

2015年8月31日 星期一

陶傑教英語: ''Letter to Hong Kong'' -- 香港民主黨前主席李柱銘

Letter to Hong Kong 
Martin Lee 
13 May, 2001

  The Fortune Global Forum was officially opened by President Jiang Zemin last Tuesday and it was officially closed by former President Clinton on Thursday. It was hailed as a total success by the government here, but was it? 

  Perhaps we should first ask what did we want the participants to the forum to get out of this? Of course we wish to see as a result of the conference more and more large foreign corporations coming to Hong Kong to invest here. So, what impression did we want them to have on Hong Kong? A city where all dissent is suppressed as in Mainland China? Or a city where freedom thrives? Of course the latter, everyone will say. Well, then we must accept that free trade goes hand-in-hand with other freedoms, like the freedom of speech and the freedom of demonstration. In other words, you cannot separate freedoms into parts and say, "we'll give you freedom to do business here, but not the freedom to protest." 

  This is particularly so when Hong Kong's economy is now based on finance and technology -- so we require our people to have creativity and free thinking. It is precisely for this reason that our government has always said that the success of the "one country, two systems" policy is confirmed by the number of demonstrations staged in Hong Kong since the hand-over. 

  But last week was exceptional because the Hong Kong Government was worried that President Jiang Zemin might see the Falun Gong followers in action. So we were told by the police that they had deployed three thousand policemen in order to deal with whatever situation which might arise. So Hong Kong was ready even for foreign protestors coming to Hong Kong. Of course, they never came, apart from some Falun Gong followers from other parts of the world. 

  So was it necessary for the police to use any force at all on what Hong Kong people know as the usual suspects, people like Long Hair and so on, who are not known to be violent people? Indeed many of our citizens watched TV news in dismay as members of the police force encroached upon the rights of not the Falun Gong followers, but the other well-known protestors. 

  But the police seem to be happy with what they did and they had the support of senior government officials. But unfortunately for them, concern was expressed openly by the US, British and Australian consulates here because many of their citizens were denied entry into Hong Kong - those who were known to be Falun Gong followers. And perhaps even more unfortunately, for the Hong Kong government even the organizers appeared not to have been too happy with the way the government had handled these matters. 

  So what message did we actually give to the foreign press and the foreign participants to this forum? I'm afraid it is a pretty negative one, because I suspect that some, if not many of them, will go back to their respective countries thinking that perhaps the Hong Kong government had been too hyper-sensitive to dissent. And worse still, they may think Hong Kong people enjoy freedom with Chinese characteristics. 


  今次要介紹的是民主黨主席李柱銘,在香港電台英文台發表的一封香港家書。從這篇演說,可看見不少古今演說家所使用的技巧,例如陳方安生曾用自問自答的方式表達其政見,李柱銘的演說也運用了這技巧︰So what message did we actually give to the foreign press and the foreign participants to this forum? I'm afraid it is a pretty negative one.



    But last week was exceptional because the Hong Kong Government was worried that President Jiang Zemin might see the Falun Gong followers in action. So we were told by the police that they had deployed three thousand policemen in order to deal with whatever situation which might arise. So Hong Kong was ready even for foreign protestors coming to Hong Kong. Of course, they never came, apart from some Falun Gong followers from other parts of the world.

  這段文字有其優點,李柱銘用了對比的手法表達不滿︰當局動用龐大警力,設想有很多人攪事,但結果並沒有發生。這說法相當得體,可惜用了太多 But So,似乎美中不足。演說中並非不能用 But So 等字作句子的開頭,但條件是句子必須非常簡短。

  演講的秘訣是要用簡短、淺白的句子,加上淺白的包裝,隱藏一些博大精深的哲理和訊息。英國有一位語文大師兼小說家歐威爾(George Orwell),曾提出作文和演講有很多避忌,其中一樣是,在英語語法中可以用主動語時,千萬別用被動語,如說我吃一個麵包I eat the bread已可以,若改為The bread was eaten by me. 文法上沒有錯,但聽起來有點突兀和刺耳。演講時更應儘量用主動語,否則聽眾可能無法接收其中的訊息。

  演說中有一句句子是這樣的︰But unfortunately for them, concern was expressed openly by the US, British and Australian consulates here because many of their citizens were denied entry into Hong Kong. 句中用了被動語,問題不大,但如改用主動語,相信會更直接有力︰But unfortunately for them, the US, British and Australian consulates here expressed concern because many of their citizens were denied entry into Hong Kong.

  李柱銘也是一個相當有優默感的人,就像陳方安生將「擦鞋」直譯成英語shoe-shining一樣,李柱銘亦將鄧小平「建設有中國特色的社會主義」的說話改裝,轉化成自己演說中的詞句︰And worse still, they may think Hong Kong people enjoy freedom with Chinese characteristics. 自由with Chinese characteristics,即帶有中國特色的自由,這樣說無疑是暗中優了鄧小平一默,也諷刺了中國政府。


